The Amicale’s English-speaking theatre group
For more than twenty years, Tagora has been operating within the Amicale of the Council of Europe, offering a chance to explore the art, the techniques and the technologies of the world of theatre. Group activities range from workshops, play-readings and, naturally, the staging of dramatic works of all shapes and sizes.
Not only that, Tagora also provides an agreeable meeting-point for members of the Amicale and their friends who are devotees of theatre or who would like to know more about it.
Tagora prides itself on its multicultural nature, even if the working language is mostly (but not exclusively) English. And we certainly don’t restrict participation to native English speakers! Our last few productions have featured nearly a dozen different nationalities with at least eight mother tongues between them.
Poetry evenings … spoken word … songs … full-length plays … festivals … cabaret … avant-garde experiments: Tagora takes everything in its stride, and is always delighted to welcome anyone wanting to join in. To find out more: visit the Web site, sign up for the electronic newsletter – and then let us know if there is anything that grabs you!