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Europe in Strasbourg


President: Denis HUBER

Co-President: Stanislas FROSSARD

Vice-President: TSETSEKOU Eleni

Treasurer: Catherine GUERRERO

Executive Secretary: Olga BALTAG

Elected Members: Keltoum BELAID, Nurcan DOYDUK, Alla HEITZ, Olga KOSTENKO,  Valentyna KRYVENKOVA, Sophie KURT, Ivi-Triin ODRATS, Bridget O'LOUGHLIN, Marie-Rose PREVOST, Sabine SABBAGH.


PALAIS - Office 99
+33(0)3 90 21 54 95

Monday to Friday :
- 9:00 am to 12:30 am
- 14h00 to 17h00 pm

ASCE - Sport ASCE - Sport

2016 Strasbourg-Europe Road Races

Register in the COE running team

Amicale du conseil de l'europe

2016 Strasbourg-Europe road races: what to do if you wish to be part of the Council of Europe team

This year’s Strasbourg-Europe road races will take place on Saturday 14 and Sunday 15 May 2016.

The Office des Sports of Strasbourg is organising several races: aquathlons XS and S (individual or duo), 5 km race, 10 km race, half-marathon, 8 km “Green” Nordic walking and 4 km European walk (between the Council of Europe and the European Parliament).

If you would like to join the Council of Europe team and benefit from the team members’ entry fee of  € 12 per person for the 5 km, the 10 km, the XS aquathlon and the Nordic walking, or  € 15 per person for the half-marathon and the S aquathlon (except for the European walk which costs 7 €), you should fill in and sign the entry form and send it to Olivia Conrad, Vice-President of the Sport Association of the Council of Europe, via the internal mail, accompanied by the other necessary documents, by 15 April 2016.

All files submitted after 15th April won’t be accepted for the group registry and be returned to staff members by internal mail for an individual registry.

The documents you need to submit are:

- the entry form duly completed and signed.

Do not forget to indicate your usual time for the 10 km race, as this is also needed when the entry form is placed on line.

If you want to register for the aquathlon, please indicate which one: the 500 m swim + 2,5 km run or the 1 km swim + 5 km run.

- a medical certificate issued less than one year before the date of the race, i.e. after 15 May 2015

Ask your own doctor for a medical certificate indicating the following : « non contre-indication à la pratique de l’athlétisme ou de la course à pied en compétition » (medical certificate stating that there is no medical reason why you should not participate in competitive athletics or competitive running).

The medical certificate will not be necessary if you can provide a photocopy of your 2016 FFA, FF Triathlon competitors’ license – only these 2 licenses will be accepted.

- a cheque for € 12 per person for the 5 km, the 10 km, the XS aquathlon and the Nordic walking, or  € 15 per person for the half-marathon and the S aquathlon, or € 7 for the “European walk” (4 km) made out to the « Association des Courses de Strasbourg Europe » (cheques only will be accepted, no cash)

- a clear indication of the race you wish to enter: aquathlon XS, aquathlon S, 5 km race, 10 km race, half-marathon, 8 km Nordic walking or 4 km “European walk”

- a clear indication of your size for the t-shirt: S, M, L or XL (no exchange).

If you wish to participate in more than one race, please complete one entry form for each race.

The aquathlon races, on Saturday 16 May, will start Etang Kleinau in Schiltigheim (behind Emile Mayis High School) at:

13.45 p.m.       start of the 1st wave of the aquahlon S + relai duo (500 m swim + 2,5 km run)

14.45 p.m.       start of the 1st wave of the aquathlon XS + relai duo (500 m swim + 2,5 km run)

The races, on Sunday 15 May, will start in front of the Council of Europe at:

8.00 a.m.         5 km road race Men

8.15 a.m.         5 km road race Handisport

8.30 a.m.         5 km road race Women

9.00 a.m.         Half-marathon (international race)(time limited to 2hours at km14 & 2h25 at km17)

9.40 a.m.         8 km Nordic walking event

10.25 a.m.       “European walk” (4 km) between the Council of Europe and the European Parliament

11.00 a.m.       10 km Handisport

11.15 a.m.       10 km road race (national race).

If you have any questions, please contact Olivia Conrad, ASCE Vice-President, either by phone at #3109 or by e-mail:

The official rules of the 2016 Strasbourg-Europe road races are available on the ODS website:

For more information, please consult the official website of the Strasbourg-Europe Road Races:

Or call the special no. : 03 88 31 83 86