Scottish Country Dancing
Elegance, rigour and fun are mixed together for a real pleasure shared with the Scottish Dance Section proposed by the Amicale. It will allow you to open a window on the Scottish culture but also on the whole world.
If you are a newcomer please email the organisers to let them know you are coming: or
At the moment these courses are not held at the Council but in a dance hall at 12A Bd Jean-Sébastien Bach, 67000 Strasbourg.
Access conditions
To have paid the annual subscription to the Council of Europe Amicale
(see rates below – fees are charged in addition to the Amicale subscription)
The first class is free, then 25€ per term or 75€ for the year.
Bring soft shoes such as gym shoes and dress lightly - skirt recommended for women but not for men...
Once a week : 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
In charge for the Amicale
Elisabeth EVANS
Email :
EVANS Elizabeth :
NASTASIE Antonella:
Documents :