Dancing salsa in Strasbourg
Tips, addresses, events
Where to dance salsa in Strasbourg ?
Classes / events
Association Candela, gymnase Ste Aurélie (top of rue Ste Marguerite, near Modern Art Museum), Wednesday evenings at 20h (beginners) and 21h (intermediate and advanced). Excellent classes by Chara and the other teachers from the association: https://salsastrasbourg-candela.fr/.
Passions partagées, in Lampertheim (near Vendenheim). Classes and events organised by Betty. More information here : http://passionspartagees.fr/
Salsa Loca – classes Thursday evenings – three levels – plus salsa parties. Centre Socio-Culturel Victor Schoelcher, Cronenbourg : http://salsaloca.fr/
Estrellas - LaGreca Anne-Sophie Tyburn introduce you to her Cuban dance school with quality dance classes of salsa (beginners, intermediate and advanced), salsa ladies’ style classes and afro-cuban dances. Most of the classes are located in Strasbourg, 1B, rue du Fossé des Orphelins - the main entrance is accessible through Place Sainte Madeleine. The other classes are given in the North of Alsace, in Reichshoffen. Check out their website for any furter information: https://estrellas.fr/.
Latin Danse Entertainment, in "Casa Latina", 7 Place du Marché Neuf, in the city center of Strasbourg. Find out the programme: https://www.strasbourgsalsa.fr/danse-salsa/
If you prefer Porto-Rican salsa : Enbaletvous gives great salsa, tango, swing, rock etc. classes. Programme here : http://www.enbaletvous.fr/
General info on dance clubs in Strasbourg and other French cities :