As the LGBTQIA+ section of the Amicale, our mission is to create a space of safety and community for queer (umbrella term) and questioning Council staff. 🌈
We also wish to create occasions for learning, exchange, and advocacy to better the situation of all persons affected by SOGIESC-related discriminations.
Allies are welcome!
Drop an email at lgbt.staff@coe.int and let us know if you want to become a member or an informed ally and receive information on our activities!
Members identify as LGBTQIA+ or are questioning, and will have access to safe space meetings and apéros. They will be added to a mailing list in which messages can be exchanged and emails are visible.
Interested/informed allies will be added only to the general mailing list and will receive emails in BCC with information on our activities, invitations to some events, and interesting information on issues related to LGBT+ rights!